Zachary Hadlee

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Zachary Hadlee is a technology journalist from London, currently based in Malaga. He writes stories about how the internet works - and how it is changing. From artificial intelligence to UX, things are happening today at a pace that can seem bewildering. He is an associate with

From this author

Steps for Strategic Planning
Jun 17, 2020    0

Strategic planning is something that many of us will talk a lot about this year. As the business landscape continues to evolve, today’s forward-thinking brands are already looking to reinvent their strategies.

Strategic Planning - By Definition

Strategic planning is the business of setting out a brand’s direction and goals and allocating funds and resources accordingly. Essential for most businesses, strategic planning is an essential tool in that it allows...

AI in Poland
Apr 24, 2020    0

There was a time, not too long ago, when outsourcing tech business was the next big thing. For a while, sending projects out to India, China and beyond was considered to be the sensible thing to do for brands big and small.  Unfortunately, problems such as cultural and language problems, time zone differences and customs hassles have seen offshoring go seriously off the...