
What to Consider When Sourcing Sustainable Packaging

Posted: 07/30/2021 - 09:00
What to Consider When Sourcing Sustainable Packaging

When it comes to packaging, raw material generally represents the largest cost component, especially in an inflationary commodity environment. Raw material also represents the largest carbon footprint share of the packaging itself. With the climate in peril, sourcing sustainable materials is instrumental in creating an environmentally aware product. So, it’s all the more important to ensure you’re considering key elements when determining the sustainability performance of the packaging solution.

Social Impact Sourcing: A New Version of Commerce

Posted: 04/28/2021 - 09:00
Social Impact Sourcing: A New Version of Commerce

In the midst of a pandemic, business models are wide open for transformation.

From my perspective, COIVD-19 is just a precursor to the larger threat looming from unmitigated climate change. In conjunction with racial inequality, old-hat “business as usual” models are potentially heading off a cliff.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are what many consider the gold standard for social impact goals. They provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and planet, along with an urgent call to action. How do we help achieve these goals?

A Focus on the Value and Virtue of Supply Chains

Posted: 02/24/2021 - 09:00
In 2021, supply chain sustainability is likely to be more important than ever.

A Focus on the Value and Virtue of Supply Chains

After a historically disruptive year, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are waking up to the fact that the measure of a supply chain is much greater than its landed costs. Meanwhile, consumers are more vocal than ever about the virtue of the companies from which they purchase. They want products, solutions, and supply chains to reflect their own ideals and aspirations related to sustainability, inclusion and fairness. 

Why Supply Chain Leaders Need to Bolster the Circular Economy

Posted: 01/29/2021 - 02:28
Circular Economy

The concept behind a circular economy is simple: minimize waste by reusing, sharing and repairing goods that are already in use. That allows items to remain in the economic system, preventing the need for as many new products to be introduced.

This results in a closed loop. New resources aren’t being used, so energy is conserved.

Sustainability and Notebook PCs: Behind the Scenes With TCO Certified

Posted: 01/27/2021 - 00:17
Sustainability and Notebook PCs

IT products come with many social and environmental challenges. Conflict minerals, supply chain working conditions, hazardous substances, e-waste as well as the  “take, make, use dispose” model of the linear economy demonstrate that the challenges and risks connected to our digital devices run wide and deep. Purchasers and users of technology are at the forefront of asking for better product options.

Navigating Supply Chain Complexities With Sustainability

Posted: 12/22/2020 - 04:50
This year has proven complex for organizations and their supply chains as they adapt to an ever-changing landscape filled with new risks and volatilities.

This year has proven complex for organizations and their supply chains as they adapt to an ever-changing landscape filled with new risks and volatilities.

Forward-thinking leaders are turning to sustainability as the solution for building long-term resiliency and ROI. The recently released EcoVadis Business Sustainability Risk & Performance Index shows there is additional work to be done in the journey toward more sustainable business.

The Case for Changing the Chief Procurement Officer Role

Posted: 09/30/2020 - 23:19
Within your organization, have an open dialogue to explore how Procurement and the CPO role can evolve.

Procurement Sentiment and Observations

During this pandemic, many organizational CEOs and Board members have become aware of and startled by the inefficiencies and bureaucracies in their Procurement organizations. C-suite executives discovered their organizations were in predicaments with deep and broad implications none of us had previously fathomed. Most of us never imagined we’d need to find new suppliers, support, or transition from current ones to diversify for business continuity at the drop of a hat. 

Innovative Hybrid Technology Will Safeguard COVID-19 Vaccine

Posted: 09/23/2020 - 04:49
As the world invests billions to produce a Covid-19 vaccine, it is innovative hybrid technology that will ultimately ensure its effectiveness in this fight against the virus

Recent headlines are dominated by the news that the University of Oxford research team is seeing promising results from early trials of its Covid-19 vaccine candidate. Now we must turn our attention to the vital technology that ensures that doses of any viable vaccine reach locations in a state without the need for retesting.

It’s Time for IT to Transition to a Circular Economy

Posted: 07/24/2020 - 03:44
Sustainable Information Technology IT

With greater attention on sustainability and the direct need to meet climate goals, purchasers are looking for ways to change. One place to start is with the 170 million notebook computers produced and sold around the world every year. Rethinking an organization’s purchase and use of IT products like those notebooks can dramatically cut an organization’s carbon footprint – and save money - without affecting performance.

Why Sustainable Fashion is Key to Supply Chain Sustainability

Posted: 06/25/2020 - 00:59
Supply Chain Sustainability

When considering sustainability in the supply chain, the first concepts that typically come to mind are solutions like green warehouse space or fuel-efficient trucks.

Sustainability in the supply chain extends much further than that. In retail, for instance, the clothing and fashion industry have the opportunity to progress through building a more sustainable approach.

The current clothing retail climate is somewhat dominated by fast fashion, a practice of mass-producing clothing items cheaply, so they can be sold in the most cost-effective way possible.

Value Beyond Savings: 4 Ways Procurement Can Make An Impact

Posted: 05/22/2020 - 21:05
Procurement value

One of the most significant procurement trends we’ve seen so far in 2020 is delivering value beyond savings. So what exactly does this mean in the context of the function’s traditional goals?

Savings, as we all know, have long formed the foundation of procurement’s ROI to the organization. It’s been our primary charter over the years and is quite literally how the function has “paid its bills.”


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