Once you’ve checked out the below guidelines and the editorial calendar, shoot your pitch over to info@futureofsourcing.com. You can submit articles regularly or whenever you’re feeling inspired. We encourage contributors to sign up for our Future of Sourcing email newsletter, which we send out twice a month.
Who reads Future of Sourcing?
Our readers are professionals in sourcing, procurement, risk, supply chain, outsourcing, and related fields, mainly from Fortune 500 and Global 1000 companies. Our content is geared towards business pros looking for insights to boost their game. We cater to mid- to high-level managers and execs seeking fresh ideas and strategies that work.
Types of Content to Submit
We accept thought leadership pieces from industry experts and interviews with executive thought leaders.
Important Tips
- Let us know if your piece has been elsewhere.
- Keep your content non-promotional and vendor-neutral.
- Aim for articles between 700 and 1,200 words.
- If you’re using lists, make sure each point is explained in a sentence.
- Minimize footnotes and embed links in the text.
- Include a high-res headshot and a short bio with your submission.
Our Style
We follow the AP Style Guide (mostly) and use American/U.S. English. Keep titles clear and simple. Break up your text with headers and keep paragraphs short.
Links and Attribution
Posts may not link to an outbound lead generating webpage unless there is a paid sponsored content agreement in place. If you’d like the Future of Sourcing community to access your company’s research, we can add it to our SIG Resource Center or you can provide an un-gated link.
External links are required when citing research, but the research must not be gated or promotional content. If it is gated, then it must be cited with the year the research was published (e.g., Deloitte CPO Survey, 2024). Linking to external content is allowed when contextually appropriate (e.g., linking to a news article).
- Any graphics or charts must contribute to the content of the article to facilitate better understanding.
- Images must be royalty-free and all images must be properly sourced.
- Future of Sourcing reserves the right to final approval of any images.
- Charts and graphs that include blurred text or images will not be accepted.
Ready to Get Started?
Send your ideas to info@futureofsourcing.com and begin your journey toward becoming a Future of Sourcing contributor! Take a look at our existing content to get a feel for our style first before getting started.
Before submitting, take a look at our content, which highlights some of the topics we are currently most interested in. If you have an idea that does not appear on our site, feel free to reach out to our team to discuss it. Reviewing our articles will help you to get a sense of our tone and structure, and to see what issues we have recently covered.
We work well in advance of any given publication date, so a general rule of thumb is you should query us about a story three to four weeks prior to the date you wish it to appear.