Greg Tennyson

Greg Tennyson has a unique perspective on the buy-sell dynamics given his comprehensive experiences. He is a SIG Sourcing Supernova Hall of Fame member. In 2019 he earned both the prestigious CPO of the Year Award from Ardent Partners and the esteemed Pinnacle Award for most Innovative Procurement Operations from Everest Group. The former CPO & VP of Corporate Services at VSP Global, CPO and VP S2S at (2008 to 2013), and CPO and VP S2S at Oracle Corporation (1998 to 2008), and Bay Area Procurement Council Founder (2004), he is an innovative thought leader, trailblazer, and procurement evangelist. Greg earned his M.Sc. Management from Saint Mary’s College of California with professional credentials from SIG, NAPM, and NCMA.

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