Augmented Reality

Hone Your Human Work Skills

Posted: 06/18/2021 - 09:00
Hone Your Human Work Skills

Think about utility poles, Mohan Tatikonda is saying. He’s a professor of operations management at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business, and for over 30 years his research has focused on how firms can most effectively design, develop, introduce and improve products, services and organizational processes.

And though “think about utility poles” sounds like a strange request, he’s getting ready to talk about the future of work and how people and machines can benefit each other.

Pokemon Go means business: why B2B needs to get its game face on

Posted: 07/19/2016 - 21:00

Pokemon Go signals the mainstream arrival of augmented reality (AR). From here on in, virtual reality (VR) will always be the poorer cousin – or bridesmaid if you will, and never the bride – in the fight for digital’s push out through the screen into reality.

This new (albeit long-pending) medium of AR will have a huge impact on local and B2C advertising. In fact you might argue it already has, adding billions to the valuation of Nintendo after just a week since Pokemon Go launched – a truly remarkable week.

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