Future of Sourcing Awards

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The 2023 Future of Sourcing Awards recognizes organizations and individuals that show innovation, leadership and transformation in categories that are critical to the sourcing industry. The Awards will take place on October 18, 2023, the capstone evening at the SIG Global Executive Summit. Attendees will enjoy dinner, networking and an awards ceremony that brings together some of the brightest minds to create a truly remarkable experience.


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Innovations in Outsourcing: GEP
Oct 13, 2022    0

Can you outline why your team embarked on this project and the problem that needed to be solved?

The client is a Fortune 500 retail company that was facing immense challenges overcoming the severe impact of the pandemic on its brick-and-mortar sales. It needed to urgently revamp and transform its procurement organization so that it could help the business recover and grow. The procurement function needed to evolve, redefine...
Innovations in Outsourcing: Scientist.com
Oct 13, 2022    0

Can you outline why your team embarked on this project and the problem that needed to be solved?

Early on in our company’s evolution we realized that compliance within the pharmaceutical industry was not fit for everyday R&D, as it inadvertently delayed research and increased indirect costs.  Scientist.com seized the opportunity to create a new way of addressing compliance in outsourcing. Our goal was to enable increased visibility,...
Innovations in Third Party Management: Applied Materials
Oct 13, 2022    0

Can you outline why your team embarked on this project and the problem that needed to be solved?

Key executives identified procurement as an enabler of scale and a function that would support the future growth of the company and new ways of working. The Global General Procurement organization needed to rise to that challenge. Since then, we have evolved from a function that used manual processes (such as tracking...
Innovations in Governance & Compliance: Air Canada
Oct 13, 2022    0

Can you outline why your team embarked on this project and the problem that needed to be solved?

Air Canada embarked on the project to digitize its Source-to-Pay activities for a variety of reasons, including moving its procurement activities to a single platform, aligning the strategic procurement business with other aspects of the company's environmental sustainability priorities i.e reducing paper, and most importantly, to gain efficiencies by...
Innovations in Outsourcing: The Boeing Company
Oct 12, 2022    0

Can you outline why your team embarked on this project and the problem that needed to be solved?

The pandemic and business downturn devastated the aerospace industry, shrinking annual revenue projections by 75%, which drove an imperative to radically rethink every aspect of work across the enterprise, including product and service offerings, sourcing models, make/buy determinations, on-and-offshoring mix, supply chain...
Innovations in Talent Management: Cambridge Health Alliance
Sep 24, 2019    0

Can you outline why your team embarked on this project and the problem that needed to be solved?

This initiative started in response to the need to develop a Supply Chain Analytics team. Cambridge Health Alliance leadership realized the potential of better managing vast amount of supply chain data. The Senior director of Supply Chain Management drafted a proposal to begin implementing analysts to work with the data and identify cost savings and utilization...
Innovations in Talent Management: University of Tennessee
Sep 22, 2019    0

Can you outline why your team embarked on this project and the problem that needed to be solved?

In 2003 the University of Tennessee (UT) began a research project funded by the U.S. Air Force to answer this question: “Is there a better way to outsource?” They studied some of the world’s most successful supplier relationships to learn why some outsourcing deals were highly successful while others either failed to live up to their initial...
Innovations in Governance & Compliance: E*TRADE Financial Corporation
Sep 21, 2019    0

Can you outline why your team embarked on this project and the problem that needed to be solved?

Our Procurement team took over the process to identify vendor inherent risk from our Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) group. The process we acquired was driven by email and shared drive folders. We were receiving an average of 70 emails per week, and this manual, high volume process was ripe for human error.   
We decided...
Sep 20, 2019    0

Can you outline why your team embarked on this project and the problem that needed to be solved?

Our S2S (short for Sourcing to Stakeholder) platform was developed to be a scalable Strategic Sourcing information system for managing projects, suppliers, and most importantly to evolve our stakeholder relationships. Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. To do this, innovation, speed,...
Innovations in Governance & Compliance: The Boeing Company 2
Sep 19, 2019    0

Can you outline why your team embarked on this project and the problem that needed to be solved?

Boeing identified the need to digitally transform its design and manufacturing systems to standardize the tool suite, drive tighter integration across the enterprise, enhance business flexibility, and generate significant productivity improvements to produce products with speed and agility. A key component of this program is the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM...
