Risk Management

Today's procurement professionals must identify the risks that can impact an organization and implement strategies to mitigate and manage those risks.

Inflation continues to be a thorn for procurement teams who want to maintain a strong bottom line without sacrificing quality.
Jun 13, 2022    0
It’s a word that everyone from high-ranking executives to the average grocery-store shopper dreads hearing: inflation. As the world continues to experience supply chain disruptions caused by a...
How to Make the Most of Supplier Information
Jun 10, 2022    0
What was once nice-to-have information has now been defined by law. As concern grows around modern slavery, GDPR, conflict minerals and climate change, governments and related third parties are...
Fortune 1000-sized firms feel they have no choice but to retain incumbent suppliers under less than favorable terms.
Jun 08, 2022    0
The threat of lost business. Without it, even the largest customer lacks any real power in the marketplace. When a supplier doesn’t feel any plausible threat of lost business, it can adopt...
Learn three considerations to keep in mind as you build your risk management strategy that stays ahead of the next big disruption.
Jun 02, 2022    0
Risk management isn’t a new term or notion to the supply chain and procurement industry, yet it continues to be one of the least addressed priorities within organizations. KPMG recently shared...
With no foreseeable end date to supply chain disruptions, now is the time for organizations to examine the likelihood of interruptions and aim to get ahead of the problem before it takes hold.
May 30, 2022    0
Most businesses didn’t anticipate having to handle the supply-chain impacts of several disruptive forces at once: an ongoing pandemic, a severe crunch for talent and Russia’s invasion of...
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