
Getting to the real-life win-win

Posted: 10/04/2012 - 07:09

This article originally appeared in Outsource Magazine Issue #29 Autumn 2012

After two years of blogging for Outsource I hope readers have at least heard of Vested Outsourcing and maybe even read one of our three books. But perhaps you have some doubts and concerns, so you are still waiting on the sidelines. All too often we hear, “I like the theory of Vested, but does it really work in the real world? Are companies (especially ones people have heard of!) adopting the Vested approach?”

Elinor Ostrom: getting involved in your own governance

Posted: 08/02/2012 - 07:12

This month’s column pays a tribute to Elinor Ostrom, who shared the Nobel Prize award in economic science in 2009 with Oliver Williamson. Ostrom, who died at age 78 on June 12, was cited by the Nobel Committee for “her analysis of economic governance, especially the commons,” a term that refers to resources that are owned or shared in common among communities.

Eric Berne: I’m OK, you’re OK (the psychology of win-win)

Posted: 06/12/2012 - 07:19

Too often people and businesses are locked into either destructive I-win-you-lose relationships, or what I often call a “ping pong” match where you are in a so-so relationship but either don’t know there is a better way or don’t have the courage to get out because things are not actually bad.

Luckily, things are changing and people are starting to wake up to the fact that win-win approaches are real – and offer real advantage and are worth the extra effort.

The courage to change

Posted: 05/16/2012 - 07:40

Outsourcing involves major changes in your business model, your teams, your approach to core and non-core business lines and cultural mindsets.

That aspect of the outsource decision – change – is inherently psychological because when you come right down to it, it’s always about your people, their relationships and attitudes, and the way they adjust to new thinking and new patterns that will make or break an outsourcing partnership.

Outsourcing is Not Make Versus Buy: It is a Continuum

Posted: 04/04/2012 - 07:36

This article originally appeared in Outsource Magazine Issue #27 Spring 2012

Deciding to outsource demands a thorough make/buy analysis. However, far too many companies take the concept of make-or-buy as black and white.  Dr. Oliver E. Williamson challenged the traditional make/buy decision process with his Nobel Prize-winning work in the area of transaction cost economics. Williamson received the Nobel Prize in 2009.

Vesting in practice

Posted: 02/08/2012 - 07:47

By design this column has, for the most part, examined the theories and research of academic and economic luminaries that have helped form the basis of modern outsourcing and my own research and development efforts in the realm of collaborative outsourcing.

How Diversey and Wipro are creating an ITO (r)evolution

Posted: 01/12/2012 - 00:00

The (r)evolution in the outsourcing industry is happening. Innovative win-win outsourcing relationships are replacing traditional cost-focused procurement methods.  The University of Tennessee calls these innovative approaches “Vested Outsourcing,” because the company and the service provider work together to align the success of the service provider with the achievement of success for the client’s business. Each party employs its core competencies to accomplish what each could not achieve on its own.

Art Markman on looking back to go forward

Posted: 01/06/2012 - 00:00

I hope you have enjoyed the last columns focusing on the “economics of outsourcing.”  I promised to explore other scholars and how we can learn from their leading work. For the next several columns I’ll be featuring the most influential “Big Thinker” psychologists that have directly or indirectly influenced the development of modern outsourcing.


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