
Enter our writing competition to win a place at SIG University!

Posted: 06/03/2016 - 19:51

Are you a budding thought leader? Do you hunger for fame and glory – in the form of exposure on the world’s leading outsourcing publication? And do you want a FREE chance to enroll in SIG University’s Certified Sourcing Professional (CSP) course (for yourself or a colleague)?

That’s right: a SIG U certification AND coverage in Outsource could be yours, thanks to our new writing competition in collaboration with SIG University…

TOP TEN: Wonders of the Outsourcing World

Posted: 05/31/2016 - 19:55

We’re all familiar with the original Seven Wonders of the World, those marvels including the Great Pyramid and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon brought together as a kind of travelers’ bucket list for the ancients; probably far fewer readers, however, may be aware that there exists a parallel list of splendours enticing tourists from the global outsourcing community – and that in the spirit of adding value which permeates this space, this list numbers not a measly seven but a princely ten jaw-dropping wonders to visit, look upon and contemplate with awe.

The boomerang outsource

Posted: 05/26/2016 - 00:49

Offshore outsourcing is controversial. No news there. For over 15 years customers have been moving services offshore as part of their global souring strategy. In the early ’00s businesses couldn’t offshore quick enough. Opponents of offshoring frequently quote the loss of domestic jobs, damage to economies, poor communication and quality, while proponents insist it facilitates competition and actually makes economies more efficient. But amid the furore, there is a rise in organisations returning from offshore.

Culture gaps in a shrinking world

Posted: 05/17/2016 - 02:23

In so many ways the business world is smaller and more accessible in the modern era – a place where even tiny online companies can trade globally, where people travel for work as a matter of routine and where businesses become international by outsourcing tasks across all seven continents.

Why today’s business leaders must collaborate, not compete

Posted: 05/12/2016 - 20:41

“Eat or be eaten” – for centuries, this “law of the jungle” was the law of the business world, too. Beating the competition delivered power, money and influence. From the Square Mile to Wall Street, survival of the fittest meant there was only room for one victor at the top. The digital revolution changed this. Measuring success in today’s business world is no longer by the job or task performed for money. We value successful leaders for their contributions to the world as a whole and the manner of its making. What we do and how we do it matters.

Live Wires #5: Good robots and bad robots

Posted: 05/10/2016 - 20:28

Who are Blue Prism? The company isn’t yet a household name, but in automation circles it is something of a trailblazer. They actually coined the term “robotic process automation” back in 2012, and the early evangelists of RPA (such as HfS and Ovum) rapidly seized on Blue Prism case studies as the first signs of something new stirring in the world of automation. Live Wires caught up with Pat Geary, CMO at Blue Prism, to understand who they are and where they are heading.

Cloud delivery options for call centres: understanding their business implications

Posted: 05/09/2016 - 20:09

Forty-seven years ago, J.C.R. Licklider had a vision that the entire world could be connected through an “intergalactic computer network”, allowing users to access programs and data from any site, from anywhere and at any time. Today, this vision has evolved into a reality, and echoes similarities to what we call “cloud computing.”

The digital transformation journey

Posted: 05/06/2016 - 19:59

Business leaders and technology executives are deluged by the rhetoric about disruptive digital technologies coming of age, companies and whole industries going digital.

Maturing and new technology tools, combined with rapidly changing technology usage patterns of businesses and consumers, are forcing a rethink, even a re-imagination of what companies can do. Obviously there are leaders and there are followers, with every success story probably preceded by unsung failures.

Live Wires #4: Meet the RPA family

Posted: 05/06/2016 - 19:50

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a new type of software that acts as a virtual workforce. It is the hottest ticket in the already hype-fuelled world of automation, and some would say that in the next two to three years it is going to become an integral part of your operations – whether in-house, shared services or outsourced. But who is driving RPA? And if the future is RPA, who is going to make it happen so quickly?

The Mosaic: seeing the bigger picture (Part 3)

Posted: 04/28/2016 - 03:59

After lunch, the group assembled back in the conference room. Most spent some time reading through the poster on the wall, looking for more clues to help them improve.

“Ready to get started,” I said, as the group grabbed their seats.

“On to people,” Tyler announced, with a tone indicating he could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

“Yes, on to the ‘People’ column in the mosaic. Just as we defined who your key customers are, we need to define the key positions and roles in your company.”


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