
The Motivation Factor with Dennis Timpanaro

Posted: 05/23/2018 - 23:10
In this episode of the Sourcing Industry Landscape, Dawn Tiura interviews Dennis Timpanaro. Dennis Timpanaro is the Founder and CEO of GOtivation, a fitness technology startup with a messaging platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to help personal trainers and fitness coaches motivate clients. Timpanaro is a world-ranked athlete and was the youngest global director in McDonald's history.

Blockchain...The Answer to the Financial Service Industry's Prayers?

Posted: 05/15/2018 - 04:14

Since the financial crisis of 2008, the financial services industry has been inundated with new rules and regulations that have consumed resources and increased spend on compliance. All of this is occurring at a time when the industry has also been under increasing competition from financial technology (fintech) firms. Whilst the fintech industry is booming by providing new innovative products at a rapid pace, traditional incumbents have appeared less agile at adopting these.

The Power of Collaboration

Posted: 05/12/2018 - 00:02

Members of RMA’s Third-Party Risk Management Round Table are experienced leader-practitioners, individually and collectively creating emerging best practices in third-party risk management. As the round table’s facilitator, subject matter expert, and member of the Steering Committee, it’s exciting and rewarding for me to be integral to this evolution.

Data, APIs and the Future of Healthcare: Addressing the Connectivity Challenge

Posted: 05/10/2018 - 05:07

For healthcare providers operating in an increasingly competitive and demanding environment, leveraging technology to analyze data and gain contextualized insight represents the key to success, if not survival. To deliver services effectively, providers must have real-time access to detailed information at the point of care. An emergency room physician treating a stroke victim, for example, needs instant access to lab results and the patient’s health history to deliver the best treatment.

5 Common Outsourcing Misconceptions

Posted: 04/28/2018 - 00:08
Five common misunderstandings for companies as they set out on their journey for the first time.

Outsourcing or nearshoring IT experts can be commonplace for some companies. These companies will likely understand both the business and technical benefits that outsourcing teams can bring to a project or organisation. As more businesses become driven by technology, demand for skilled IT workers will continue to grow in 2018, driving more companies to turn to outsourcing IT roles. 

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Drives Value and Saves Money But it is Not a Magic Wand

Posted: 04/26/2018 - 23:23
There are growing questions as to whether RPA can deliver on the promised ROI and outcomes.

The rise of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is nothing short of spectacular. It has captivated the attention of digital operations executives with the promise of cost-savings beyond labor arbitrage, cost avoidance by extending the life of legacy IT, quicker implementation than traditional IT projects, business-user friendliness, auditability and compliance, straight through processing, and let’s be honest – terrific marketing.

The Rise of the TalentSumer

Posted: 04/26/2018 - 03:20
The time has come where prospective employees are being looked at more as consumers of work.

There was a time, not so long ago, when work was more of a place we went as opposed to a thing we did. Until recently, work-life balance wasn’t an aspiration, but instead, something most workers could more or less take for granted. 

There existed an unspoken, unseen and ubiquitous wall separating the personal and the professional, with a distinct divide existing between our work lives and our home lives. Work began – and ended – at the factory floor or the office doors. 

Think Outside the Box with Tolga Tomar

Posted: 04/25/2018 - 04:47

In this episode of the Sourcing Industry Landscape, Dawn Tiura interviews Tolga Tomar. Tolga Tomar is Director of Procurement at Thirty-One Gifts, a direct-selling company that empowers women to run their own consulting business. Tomar is a visionary who believes global sourcing is the future of the industry and is passionate about the positive impact it can have on communities across the world.

Ecosystems, ROI and the Hot Air Balloon Myth

Posted: 04/19/2018 - 02:35

Whether you crossed the automation chasm early, or are just starting your journey into digital service delivery, you’re not alone if you’ve got questions surrounding technical ecosystem choices. Generating ROI—and how exactly to go about proving the value of numerous small automation projects versus one giant re-platforming initiative—is a common challenge. 

Open vs. Closed Ecosystems 

The Meaning of Facebook’s Fall-out: Centralized vs. Decentralized Systems

Posted: 04/18/2018 - 04:58
Reduce risk and opt for a decentralized system of sourcing

When the Internet arrived, we said, “The world is no longer flat! This changes everything!” Then we went back to building centralized systems – something we still do today. Examples of centralized systems are our ERPs, enterprise payment systems and government platforms. Recent commercial examples include Google, Facebook and Uber. 


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