
Is the Tesla Semi the next big thing in logistics?

Posted: 09/07/2018 - 21:00
Well over 100 years ago, the gasoline powered internal combustion engine revolutionized the “modern” transportation industry. Back then, the term modern could be used for technologies like the linotype machine or the electric fan. Fast forward to today and we are standing on the brink of an innovation that is set to rewrite transportation, and in turn, the logistics Industry.  

Organizational Readiness is the New Competitive Advantage

Posted: 09/07/2018 - 18:08
Organizational readiness is the new competitive advantage. Being able to quickly adapt to—and take advantage of—the rapidly evolving world of work is now the key to success or failure.  
The emerging workforce has evolving expectations of how they want to work and what their relationship with employers should look like. Combine those expectations with rapid innovation in technology and new business models, and we’re in a breeding ground for all forms of ‘non-traditional’ talent to thrive within the workforce.  

How to Minimise “Attention-Seeking” RPA

Posted: 09/06/2018 - 01:50
In 2018, the conversation around automation outsourcing has moved away from “are you automating?” to “how are you doing it?” Due to the very clear business benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Service Orchestration (RSO), businesses are now drilling down into the specifics of how best to manage their combined human and digital workforce, and how to get the most out of their automation initi

Award-Winning Sustainable Procurement: What Makes an Effective Program

Posted: 08/30/2018 - 00:00

Sustainability is a dominant topic in media, business and social conversations today, and one that communications and corporate responsibility departments in major multinational organizations have been eager to pursue. It makes sense—successful sustainability programs are not only good for our planet and people, but also are proven to drive business value. But what does 'success' look like for procurement teams contributing to organizational programs and results?  

Six indicators of a strong sustainable procurement program

RPA is Here to Stay with Ian Barkin

Posted: 08/29/2018 - 07:08

In this episode of the Sourcing Industry Landscape, Dawn Tiura interviews Ian Barkin. Ian Barkin is Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Symphony Ventures, a professional services firm that helps enterprises leverage automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and innovative resourcing solutions. When it comes to implementing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) into workplace culture, Ian is sympathetic workers’ concerns.

From Compliance to Guidance: The Evolution of Outsourcing

Posted: 08/29/2018 - 00:00
The Evolution of Outsourcing

The outsourcing industry is adapting and changing rapidly. Outsourcing companies are now much closer to their clients, as technology enables clients and outsourcers to be more connected than ever before.

This technology evolution has also impacted the demand for IT workers, with more companies requiring skilled workers on a project basis. However, whereas an outsourcing company used to begin working with a client and completed any project tasks that were required, outsourcing teams have started to take on an advisory role too.

The Silent and Steady Takeover of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Institutions

Posted: 08/28/2018 - 04:54
Artificial Intelligence in Financial Institutions

Financial institutions are playing a numbers game in the core of their business: they evaluate risks and opportunities of potential transactions and if the perceived benefits outweigh the associated risks they will agree to the deal. In the case of traditional banking, this is true for the credit approval process, whereas in the case of insurance companies, the correct evaluation of risk factors determines the conditions of an insurance policy. Like weather forecasts demonstrate, assessments of future events like risk factors or return expectations may occasionally be wrong.

How is automation impacting the job market?

Posted: 08/21/2018 - 21:23
Automation within the job market is one of the key issues of our time. It often provokes speculation of a future resembling science fiction narratives that have been around for decades.
On the extreme end, there’s SkyNet becoming self-aware and a team of terminators hunting humans down. On the softer end there’s WALL-E, where humans don’t have to lift a finger and grow lazy as robots cater to all their needs. Either way, humans aren’t needed for work.

Network Challenges in a World of Digital Transformation

Posted: 08/20/2018 - 06:49
Digital Transformation
Ask 10 people “What is digital transformation?” and you are likely to get 10 different answers ranging from smartphones to artificial intelligence to the Internet of Things (IoT). No matter how you define it, the digital transformation is here and it is having a significant impact on every organization and its networking requirements.

Why CIOs Should Worry About Tail Spend Management

Posted: 08/19/2018 - 05:57
“Tail spend” represents a significant cost for large enterprises. While comprising a relatively small portion of total cost, the drip-drop accumulation of spend by large numbers of small, non-strategic suppliers making ad hoc and one-time purchases adds up to represent a sizable sum. The issue is exacerbated by inefficient contract management, cumbersome payment processes and a lack of automation.

Another Brick in the Wall, Part 3: In the Flesh?

Posted: 08/18/2018 - 05:38
Perhaps more than any other category, the involvement of human capital in construction sourcing is paramount when it comes to outcome success or failure. The sheer volume of manpower involved in the overall process — from the acquisition to engineering to materials supply chain to hundreds of craft labor involved in the actual build — puts the management of relationships in critical focus. There is a reason that only 5 percent of construction projects meet their budget and schedule targets.

How to be a Coveted Consultant with Jeff Amsel

Posted: 08/15/2018 - 10:25

In this episode of the Sourcing Industry Landscape, Dawn Tiura interviews Jeff Amsel. Jeff Amsel began his career in accounting, earned an MBA in marketing and then was recruited to work with procurement teams. With experience working as both a consultant and within corporate consulting companies, he has a unique understanding of the needs of clients, especially when it comes to alignment with C-Suite stakeholders.


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